Re: Is there age discrimination in hiring seniors? In Japan, the sad answer is "yes." Of course there institutions which don't care, but far too many want a young, recent grad. They complain less because they lack work experience, and are more likely to return home after a year or two. In addition, they're perceived as more energetic and fun.
It's illegal to hire (or not) based on age, nationality, gender, and so on. Yet people still do, and even go so far as to advertise for "a young, blond female American." Most places either know the law or realize that there's little chance a discriminated foreigner will actually seek legal help.
Yes, this sounds terrible. And like I said, there are a lot of quality schools which offer jobs regardless of age, gender, etc. If you come to Japan, though, you'll have to be patient, wade through this sort of discrimination, and look to all the other positive aspects the country has to offer to keep yourself from getting down.
Good luck! |