Quote clivehawkins How about cutting pictures out of a magazine and letting her tell you a story, using them to illustrate it. This will give her the chance to express herself and use her fantasy \ imagination. If she's a bit shy, help her along by asking for some extra details on anything she tells you.
You could always watch a cartoon, stopping it every so often to ask questions \ predict what's going to happen \ make up a new dialogue etc.
Good luck. |
exactly, clive, you are reading my mind
I would suggest using the internet rather than magazines...find some funny cartoon characters or funny pictures on the net, print them and try inventing and telling stories about them
you can start with one set of pictures by telling her your story, and then ask her to invent hers with the other set, or something like that
also, you can try drawing, ask her to draw anything you tought her with pencils, watercolours, never mind, or ask her to draw something you believe she has already learned. that should be fun for both of you and it makes things easier to remember
(clive, have I made any mistakes in this post?)
ps. and yes, play games with her at her level
that's what I would suggest
good luck and pls report back to us the results of our advice! (if any)