Thread: EFL and Autism
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Unread Apr 30th, 2008, 01:23 am
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Default EFL and Autism

I'm an assistant language teacher at a middle school in Japan, and starting this school year I will be having a special class for an autistic student in the 3rd grade (9th grade in the US - he's about 15 or 16 years old).

For the classes, it will just be me, the student, and the teacher's aide (who doesn't really speak any English). I have no experience teaching autistic students, and I was wondering if anyone out there has any advice or ideas.

I've only had one class with him so far, and the main problem was keeping him focused. He's very talkative (although in Japanese), and he can read English pretty well. We played some games, and after about 3 minutes into each game, he'd get distracted and start talking to the teacher's aide about things unrelated to what we were doing. It was hard to get him back on track.

Any activities, games or general teaching ideas would be really appreciated.

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