Mar 11th, 2008, 03:44 pm
 | More than a profession | | Join Date: Mar 24th, 2007 Location: Dubai, UAE
Posts: 138
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Find Your Customer- Food + Containers + Polite request Hi everyone,
It has been along time since I shared an activity with you. Here is a recent one which I've just used this week. Activity Title: Find Your Custormer Focus Skill: Speaking + Reading Target Language: - Making a polite request: would you like a (quantifier/container) of (food item)? - Accepting and rejecting polite requests: - yes, please. || No, thank you. Interaction Pattern: - Whole class: Students move around looking for their match. Resources: - 13 picture cards. - 13 menu cards. Teacher's Instruction. - Tell students that you are going to play a restaurant game. Some students are going to be waiters/waitresses and some would be the customers. - Demonstrates the activity with three students: 1. Seats two of them on chairs and give them menus. 2. Ask them to read their menus aloud for the list of the class. 3. Show your card to the rest of the class to see that you have pictures. 4. Start off by making a polite request to the one who hasn't the match menu. 5. Encourage the student to give you a propper answer (No, thank you.) 6. Then you move to the other students and make the same request. 7. Encourage the remainging waiter/waiterss to make a polite request. 8. You may ask children to stay back in their seats when they find their partners. Just to know who's still playing and who's finished. Activity's picture:  |