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Unread Feb 21st, 2008, 05:46 pm
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Default Re: What age group do you prefer?

Put me down for "adults" and "university students". I lack the energy or patience for hyper children, and prefer to exchange perspectives with older students. Of course, teaching adults has its problematic aspects - especially on the lower levels. The downside of teaching university students remains the workload. How many research papers can you edit? How many presentations on familiar topics do you want to see filled with the same "good mistakes"? Still, I've found a far greater depth and variety of students in both adult schools and university classes than when I struggled with immigrant high school students. It's also far more satisfying, less stressful, and more intellectually engaging. Or at least that's been my experience teaching in Southern California.


"Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity."
Aristotle, 4th Century BCE, Greek philosopher
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