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Unread Jan 7th, 2008, 08:57 am
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Default Re: Merry Christmas!

Back to Paris after eating too much. Now we're ready for a diet!!
Well a light diet!!! We've been to a Mystery dinner party. As Clive said in a previous post every guest has to play a character
( by the way I was called Babs Crayfish struggling to make it as an actress ) and my husband was Champagne Charlie . An East End gangster, somewhere between a businessman and thug) Hilarious!! Dominique ( my husband) sounded like Peter Sellers ( Inspector Clousot ) in the Pink Panther movie ( strong French accent ) We really all had fun but the climax was when the hostess lost the instructions of the game we all have to improvise .
Unforgettable Christmas Eve!
Mystery party can be used for classroom ( but for a small group 8 to 10 students ) and for intermediate students.
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