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Unread Dec 20th, 2007, 12:27 pm
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Clive Hawkins
Join Date: Aug 1st, 2006
Location: Italy
Posts: 454
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Just had a great idea whilst dropping a line to a mate.

As we're pretty much scattered all over the world we'll be 'celebrating' Christmas at different times or even different days.

Here's a suggestion.
I'll be in Sardinia with my in-laws. At precisely 13.00 GMT+1 I'll raise a glass of fine Italian red to you all. Wherever you are, try to do the same (time adjusted) and we'll get a chain-cheers going. What do you think? Can we get a chain going around the world?

I hope so.In any case, best wishes to you all and we'll meet up again in 2008.

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