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Unread Dec 11th, 2007, 07:30 pm
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Default Christmas Games and Activities?

Hey everyone,

I've been asked to come up with some Christmas activities for some classes of 3rd year junior high school students (the equivalent of US freshmen, so they're 14/15 years old). I was thinking about making Christmas cookies, but the cooking room might not be free during our class periods, so in the event that that doesn't work out, I need to have a back up plan. And even if we do make cookies, we'll have some down time while they're baking, so it would be nice to have something for them to do while they wait.

I've searched a bunch of sites on line, but the activities are mostly targeted at elementary school level classes. The students have had quite a few previous English Assistants who have talked about Christmas before, so they really don't need anything explained to them about the holiday, we just need an activity so that they can do something fun and holiday-ish. This class isn't super motivated, and it's really hard to get them to participate, so I'd really like to do something funny and active so that they can try to have a good time.

Even if you have an activity that's not specifically Christmas related, but has a general festive holiday spirit, that would work too.

Anyway, thanks in advance for any help you're able to offer!

the O
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