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Unread Nov 14th, 2007, 09:27 am
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Clive Hawkins
Join Date: Aug 1st, 2006
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Default Re: How do you feel when you take on a new class?

I love new classes, but even so I too get a little nervous. You never quite know what they're going to be like. I guess that's part of the fun. If they're nasty, it's a challenge to win them over. If they're nice, then all the better.

I always try to find what makes them tick, as a class and as individuals. If you can get them talking about their passions, showing interest and even some knowledge on the subject they'll usually warm to you pretty quickly.

Take the mickey out of yourself a bit too, that always goes down well. Show them you're human.
As for the British / American thing, just speak the way you normally do. Even in British English there are ways of saying things that differ from county to county. Personally, I wouldn't worry too much.

On the whole though, I like that buzz. Bit like a new girlfriend I suppose. New, curious, exciting at the beginning but at the end you can't stand the sight of them any more and are looking forward to moving on to the next one. (I'm joking, of course!)
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