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Unread Nov 9th, 2007, 10:55 am
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Default E2 visas in Korea require criminal background and health check

I've just learned that the Korean governement is going to extremes to keep nefarious characters out of Korea. While I think that's great, here are a few steps teachers will have to take starting this December:

1. All teachers will have to submit a criminal background check and health check before getting a job.

2. Visas will be issued from the the Korean consulate in the teacher's home country. This means no more visa runs to Japan or China if you are already in the country.

3. Before a visa is issued, the teacher must undergo an interview at a Korean consulate nearest their hometown. For some people, this can be quite a trip, especially if you are already in Korea!!

Here's a link to the article that covers it in more detail: E2's to need medical, criminal checks (If that article disappears, let me know and I'll post it.)

I imagine, like the article mentions, this is going to drive qualified teachers away. It will also probably drive the salaries up when thousands of hagwons (private institutes) are scrambling to get teachers into their schools.

Regarding getting your criminal background check, currently, the FBI says, "Allow approximately 16-18 weeks for processing, upon receipt to the FBI.".

Imagine all of the teachers that are there now that do not have their criminal background checks; when it comes time to renew their visa, they'll have to fly back to their home country, go to the nearest consulate, do an interview, wait 4 to 5 months for their criminal background check, pay for a health check and then they can return to their job. Hmm... I think I'd try a new country.

At any rate, I'm glad I don't have to go through all of that (as I'm not there anymore) but it will be interesting to see how it plays out.
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