ok Iam from CR. and I have a very difficult kids from second grades to sixth grades, so they came from a very conflictive coumnity, they had no experience with english teachers in the school so its their first time !
My problem besides that! is that I am beggining with this English Teacher stuffs so I am frustrated because in the school i had no materials to work with I gave to them so photocopies and they throw it or leave it at home... and also their family doesnt support them or enourage them toward english language...
I dont know what to do with them because their are so violeneta and indisciplinated and I have tried some activities but that ends with a complety mess!!

here I see you have excelent material but I cant asked them to paid the photocopies because not aall of them can give me the money... so I cant use my own ...
plus they dont know much or anything of english so I cant use some interesting activities that I found here...
I will glad if you can help me...
