As for mp3 players, games etc I simply don't stand for them. They can rant and rave all they like but there's no way I'm having anybody in my class listening to music \ playing SuperMario 8 or whatever it's up to now. You've got to be kidding.
That's the worry that inspired the debate topic. The first electronic dictionaries were very basic and useful, but with competition in that sector the manufacturers, I mean the designers now include all those extras in order to lead sales; music, games, alarm clocks, I can't name them all. Little do they know how much distraction they are providing the kids and how much trouble it means for us teachers.
Like the example of calculators I mentioned earlier, I remember there was this classmate of mine who had a Japanese made calculator that had some kind of fax. He could actually fax a maths problem to his brother who was in High School at the time. We became so excited about the idea and couldn't keep our secret. Our smart discipline mistress, late Miss Dube found out everything and seized the famous calculator before exams showed up.

Jeez! Those days were fun!
As for these dictionaries we shall only have to learn to work with them.