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Unread Sep 12th, 2007, 04:37 am
violet21 violet21 is offline
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Default Re: British versus American

I am also teaching in Poland, and found this part a problem. Just like you, I stand by my language and will not like to be told after soooo many years of school that my English is incorrect or that I should switch to British. I did however found that most of the teachers in school that are not native speakers of English are the people that correct the difference and state that one is wrong, where the other form is correct. I believe American English is more popular, and starting to be more used with people. JUST look at the TV what do people watch British released movies sitcoms ETC... No American TV, and what about stores etc.. and most important of all BUSINESS who leads that field Americans. Therefore, lets take a look, why should we change to British English. American English I have been told is easier to learn because it floats and people are more relaxed and fun. I think we, as teachers should be able to teach the language we are good in, one that can benefit our students. Explain to students that there is a slight difference and let them choose, and as for teachers I think its time to reeducate the once that are still stuck. We need to make sure that all are differences are good and that learning but is even better more power for the students and not critics each others English. What will happen to the poor soul that goes to American and asks to purchase a Rubber I will bet its not an eraser they will get right. I call schools and teachers for my students and inform them that I am American, I teach both, and because English is International, the students are in powered to the choice and comfort. We the teachers need to start revising and meeting in the middle. Thanx
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