Quote linn0099 Hello
I am an American Masters student living in Greece. For extra income I am tutoring students in English.
The most common problem that I am running into is the form of English.
The schools here teach British English. I prefer American English. Not only am I used to it, but I also believe that the usage is widely in practice.
The students are having problems with their professors in school because I am saying organization and they are saying organisation. On one occassion I had to call a students teacher and ask her not to penalize her on a test. She had put Mom instead of Mum and it had been counted wrong.
This was an extreme case, but the students are also being confused. I believe that I may be doing more harm than good.
linn0099  |
I am an esl teacher and an examiner for Cambridge ESOL exams. The rule for us as examiners is that both are acceptble because English is an international language and more than one form does exist. I personally believe that if students are having to produce one form in school and to get it wrong affects their school grades then I would try if possible to teach them that form as it is very difficult to produce one form for one teacher and another for another. If the school teacher accepts both forms then it doesn't matter. Hope that helps.