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Unread Dec 14th, 2005, 03:19 am
skinsk skinsk is offline
Join Date: Dec 9th, 2005
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skinsk is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Vegetarian Korea

Always a good reminder-- almost all (at least the traditional cabbage) kim'chi is made with anchovy sauce and/or shrimp. The soybean soup is a mixed bag, though it's not often, if ever, made with seafood, beef or chicken broth. However, as the previous post points out, it is often made with clams, which will always be left in the bottom. As the salty soybean taste is overpowering, if this is a concern, you'd best fish around with your spoon. Another note: the soybean soup with tofu/순두부 is much more likely to contain the (offending) clams.

If you are vegetarian or vegan, your best bet is to check out the places on my website The main page has several warnings, but the Korean Vegetarian movement is growing in leaps and bounds. They are affiliated with International Vegan and Vegetarian societies and they understand 100%!! Their websites are also listed on my site, but are only in Korean. Also, I was unable to register with my resident #. Be aware, too, that in Korea, perhaps moreso than in the West, organic food cost more, and most vegetarian restaurants are a little more pricey than bibimbap on the corner.

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