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Unread Jul 9th, 2007, 08:22 am
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Default Re: Has teaching English abroad affected the quality of the English you speak?

Whistleblower, I am in your shoes, I understand you perfectly.
Have you gone to the extent of saying sentences like "this I don't like" instead of "I don't like this"? If you are not yet at this level then a lot of your English is still safe.

How many years have you spent with the Korean community and how often do you go home? If I may ask.
Just curious.

I think native English teachers ought to think and suggest some ways of keeping their English intact. Someone mentioned earlier on this thread having to turn on English subtittles inorder to follow a movie well. I think that coud be very helpful...but thinking of some of the English subtittles that we have on our movies I'd rather just listen.
However I think this is an issue we should all begin to worry about; hence my curiousity to know how the world of English will be in the next decades.
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