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Unread Jul 5th, 2007, 09:21 am
cabst90 cabst90 is offline
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Default Re: looking for a game of 'comparative and superlative" grammar

I use this as an introduction or conclusion to teaching comparatives with kids about the same age.

I teach them personality and appearance adjectives first, smart, funny, tall, short, etc. I review the adjectives and write them (or post flashcards on the board). After reviewing all, I tell the students to write names of people under the flashcards. They can write names of friends in their class, in the school (it is a small school) or teachers. Then we compare the people in the lists. "Who is taller, so and so or so and so?"

Also jeopardy is a great game for reviewing comparatives and superlatives, although it is a lot of preparation.

I do a lot with cards also. I have several sets of animal cards. I put the students in small groups. One person chooses a card without showing the other students. The other students must guess what animal it is. You can make the person holding the card give hints, for example "it is smaller than an elephant and it is faster than a frog," or the students guessing can ask questions. "Is it smaller than an elephant?"
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